10 Simple Tips To Reduce Stress Nowadays

Stress has become a faithful companion in everyday working life. The flood of deadlines, frequent project work, high demands on adaptability and the absolute necessity for further training take their physical and mental toll. As part of stress management programs, the following tips help to reduce this permanent stress and to permanently maintain a positive attitude towards life despite numerous disruptive factors in everyday life.

1. Pay attention to your diet

The importance of a healthy and balanced diet cannot be repeated often enough. If the saying “you are what you eat” is true, then no one would like to eat junk food in excess. Ready-made meals, French fries, lemonades and other fattening foods put a strain on the body and thus contribute more to increasing stress than to reducing it. And, of course, stimulants such as alcohol or nicotine are huge stress triggers, although they temporarily act as mood enhancers. Finding the right balance is, as always, the key to success.

2. Optimism – think positively

Avoid the desire for dissatisfaction! A destructive attitude creates stress and radiates to others. The motto should rather be: I make the best of the given circumstances and only then take trade. Stress lurks in the intensive preoccupation with negative experiences. Do you think positively? Think positive, then you are on the best way to reduce stress.

3. Recharge your batteries with friends and family

The best way to relieve stress is in the safe haven of your personal circle of friends and family. Here you can still openly express your displeasure or joy, get or give suggestions and develop a strong feeling of solidarity. Among understanding people, the greatest enemies of stress are nurtured: serenity and balance.

4. Do sports!

Sport is murderer! Correct, but for stress. And it doesn’t have to be a marathon run. A 30-minute daily walk is enough to take the strain off your mind and body. If a casual physical activity can be done together with friends or work colleagues, all the better.

5. Relaxation exercises for stress

Short breathing exercises at the workplace are just as suitable as autogenic training, progressive muscle relaxation or various meditation techniques (e.g. Yoga) for mental escape from daily business. These measures help to restore the balance between mind and body, which is all too easily lost in the hectic pace of everyday life.

6. Find a hobby

To be able to switch off after work and reduce stress is the wish of many employees. Doing handicrafts, collecting, reading or playing, in a club or on your own, can work wonders and give a new lease of life to a spirit tired of short-term commitments.

7. Give yourself enough sleep

Now sleep is not just sleep, and someone who usually sleeps 10 hours a night sometimes wakes up exhausted and tired. It is important to find the right dose of sleep for each individual and to maintain this over a longer period of time on average. The lack of sleep not only reduces concentration and performance, but also makes you extremely sensitive to stress. The quality of sleep is significantly improved by following these stress management tips.

8. Try NOT to be perfect

An always latent danger in everyday working life is perfectionism. Subjective success is only felt when everything is perfect. Stress arises from excessive concentration on details and from doubting whether everything is being done right. Instead, you should act according to the motto “I do what I can” and say goodbye to the utopia of perfection at an early stage.

9. Conflict resolution – stay calm

In critical situations people tend to conflict and fight to assert themselves or their own opinion. All too often, the steam is let off on the spot and one’s own assertiveness is tested with brutal means. This stressful fight for all involved is only necessary in absolutely exceptional cases. Rather, a calm and serene assessment of the situation and a clear expression of opinion in a factual form are advisable.

10. Say goodbye to the helper syndrome

Stress can be effectively blocked as soon as it arises. Do not act without first assessing the situation when you are called for help. It is a common misconception that someone will be popular or accepted if they take care of everything. Protecting yourself from unjustified demands is an essential part of stress management and successfully prevents stress. Always help only where it makes sense.

Stress makes you sick in the long run, there is no doubt about that. However, despite the high stress in working life, all people want to remain fit and capable of performing at an advanced age. The above tips will help you to achieve this desirable, long-term goal.

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